For Responsible Travelers
Bearfoot Canada is your travel portal to unique and exciting Canadian experiences. Visitors can explore nature, adventure and culture on one of the many Bearfoot Routes throughout British Columbia. Walk, bike, canoe or drive The Canadian Desert; The Monashee; The Golden Mile…and more.
Bearfoot Canada connects travelers with knowledge about travel risks so that they may travel safely as responsible travelers on our changing planet.
As Non Governmental Organization
dedicated to the development of responsible travel
Bearfoot Canada is a clearinghouse of initiatives, services and research programs from innovative individuals, businesses, organizations and communities all seeking to develop and promote responsible travel in British Columbia.
As an independent business network we focus on helping small family owned businesses achieve success though both advocacy and business services that includes accessible marketing programs.
Bearfoot Canada conducts a program of research, extension services, and teaching for the benefit of communities, organizations and business in British Columbia. We seek to improve understanding of the relationships between outdoor recreation and tourism, natural resources management, community economic vitality, and quality of life.
Through collaboration and cooperation, Bearfoot Canada will be a source for the creation, communication, and transfer of knowledge on natural resources-based recreation and tourism issues affecting social, economic, and environmental systems.
As a source for information, Bearfoot Canada assists resident’s, travelers, professionals, and decision-makers in learning more about the role of natural resources in outdoor recreation and tourism development.
Our goal is to help the residents of British Columbia’s communities make good decisions about such issues to enhance both community and environmental sustainability, and to train future professionals in effective decision-making and create a movement of sustainable and responsible travel.
Research Function
Bearfoot Canada helps to identify research needs in outdoor recreation and tourism for communities and natural resources management agencies in British Columbia. We help coordinate public and private sector efforts to study and solve related problems, as well as identifying and generating supplemental research funds from state, federal, and private sources.
Specialists at Bearfoot Canada collaborate with scientists and professionals in B.C., Canada and elsewhere, to enhance the knowledge base in outdoor recreation and tourism, as well as providing a clearinghouse of research publications, online resources and marketing tools.
Extension Function
Bearfoot Canada can provide Specialists in Outdoor Recreation and Tourism to work with government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and individuals in the private sector, offering consultation and training sessions in outdoor recreation, tourism development, facility management and marketing.
On a regular basis Bearfoot Canada conducts surveys and prepares forecasts then publishes a series of informative reports and “fact sheets” on outdoor recreation and natural resources-based tourism development.
Through its Voyager Network business tools are available to tourism businesses including live calendar services, upselling tools and links to online research resources for marketing, management, trade contacts and risk management.
Teaching Function
Bearfoot Canada offers short courses for outdoor recreation professionals and businesses on various topics related to business and community development and responsible travel on a changing planet.